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Amsterdam groeit en zal de… Keep reading

Amsterdam groeit en zal de… Keep reading
In 2017 maakten meer dan… Keep reading
Sinds 2019 werkt ahti samen… Keep reading
De personeelstekorten in Zorg en… Keep reading
‘Juiste… Keep reading
Ahti onderzoekt samen met de… Keep reading
Sinds 2015 zijn wij bezig… Keep reading
Sparks is an awareness-raising project to show Europeans that they can get involved in science and that various stakeholders share the responsibility for scientific research and innovation. Keep reading
City Rhythm aims to enhance the sense of security in a specific neighborhood by looking at how various factors relate to each other and how this can stimulate social cohesion. Together with TU Delft and Wageningen University, ahti is looking to identify rhythm in quantitative data and see how it is linked with social cohesion in a neighborhood. Keep reading
Het huidige ouderenzorgsysteem in Nederland… Keep reading