February 15: Ahti Connect – ‘Obesity: the role of food environment’


Thursday, February 15, from 15:30 – 18:00 is the fifth ahti Connect at the Amsterdam Health & Technology Center (AHTC). Theme of this edition is ‘Obesity: the role of food environment’

• Loek Leenen, project leader of ‘Amsterdamse Aanpak Gezond Gewicht’ and GGD Amsterdam
• Coosje Dijkstra, researcher at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

What is it about?
12% of the ten-year olds in the Netherlands is overweight but in Amsterdam this percentage is much higher. Overweight and obese children are likely to stay overweight in their adult life and have an increased risk of developing lifelong health issues or diseases. Since 2012, Amsterdam is working towards lowering the percentage of obese children through a focused approach. In the period 2012-2015, the number of children with obese has already dropped which is positive. This approach has created attention from all over the world and the City of Amsterdam is still fighting against obesity and works towards a healthier city.

Ahti works for example together with GGD Amsterdam, VU University, NEMO Science Museum, Artis and Albert Heijn on projects that help young people make healthier choices. Some examples ‘de Gezonde Coach (the Healthy Coach), healthy supermarkets and other projects.

Loek Leenen from the City of Amsterdam will talk about the importance of a healthy food environment from the perspective of the municipality. Coosje Dijkstra from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam will talk about healthy food, the role of the food environment and the importance of research in lowering the percentage of obese children.

About ahti Connect
Ahti Connect brings the worlds of technology and care closer together. We give thought to how things can be done smarter and better. Every month with a different theme and different speakers from science, government and business.

Join us!
Admission is free, you can register via Eventbrite. Please note: this event is in Dutch. There is limited space available, so register now!

Save the date!
The next ahti Connect will be on March 15. More information will follow.