Right Care in the Right Place

Projects Projects current Projects past

‘Right Care in the Right Place’ is an initiative by the Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw) that focuses on the revaluation and redesign of care processes to prevent unnecessary and unnecessarily expensive care. The initiative is centred on activities of daily living and seeks to make care future-proof. The three pillars of Right Care in the Right Place are preventing unnecessary and unnecessarily expensive care, relocating care and reorganising it around clients, and replacing care forms with smart and e-healthcare. Ahti is one of the parties contributing to these aims by using our data expertise to support regional and other policy-makers with additional insight. In 2019, we worked on two vouchers within the ZonMw funding programme, and in 2020 we are working on four.

Right Care in the Right Place projects 2019

In 2019, we worked on the following projects:

  • Community of Care Central Gelderland/Rijnstate: Ahti used data analysis to determine what issues and corresponding data are relevant to clarification of the various problems at play in the Central Gelderland/Rijnstate region. The work involved identifying themes that could be addressed in the field of prevention.
  • District Data in Utrecht: At the request of Utrecht UMC, we sought to encourage collaboration amongst professionals in primary care, the social domain, the City and the public domain. The work involved combining, relating and exchanging existing data to increase the collective knowledge of the various professionals. We also sought to develop the ability to predict the demand for support/care and to improve regional care. We were working alongside the Julius Centre for Health and Primary Care.

Right Care in the Right Place projects 2020

In 2020, we are working on the following projects:

  • Thrive Amsterdam Mental Health

In this project, ahti is working with Amsterdam Municipal Health Service to improve the mental health and mental resilience of people in Amsterdam. Using Statistics Netherlands microdata, we are mapping out the issues in this area and defining priorities for intervention.

  • City-wide Approach to Amsterdam Elderly Care

The City-wide Approach to Elderly Care aims to assure the current and future quality and accessibility of care for all elderly people in need. Ahti’s task is to survey the field and identify patterns that transcend organisational boundaries and funding mechanisms.

  • Birth Care Academic Workshop

The Academic Workshop is concerned with transmural initiatives within birth care, with particular focus on the possibilities for transitioning from hospital to at-home care. Ahti is performing an analysis using Statistics Netherlands microdata as a baseline to define the context within which such transition could take place.

  • Promising Start Amsterdam

There are still great disparities amongst different districts in Amsterdam in terms of survival rates at birth. The aim of this collaborative project is therefore to ensure that every child in Amsterdam can make a promising start to life. Ahti is performing an analysis to shed light on the social and medical factors that are influential in this context.

  • Community of Care Gelderland-Midden

Ahti has a fifth voucher assignment, building on the relatioship with the Rijnstate hospital in Arnhem. We will focus on the mental well-being of young people in the region based on CBS microdata.

More information or do you have a question? Please contact Rosan van Zoest (Project Leader)