Cardiovasculair Risico Management (CVRM): DHoTS
Hypertensie (een hoge bloeddruk) is… Keep reading

Hypertensie (een hoge bloeddruk) is… Keep reading
Ruim 10% van de minderjarigen… Keep reading
Every year, some 150 to 200 people in Amsterdam are diagnosed with HIV/AIDS, often at an advanced stage. These ’late presentation’ cases are of specific concern as the risk to infect others is relatively high and successful treatment is difficult and costly. It is estimated that some 6 percent (~ 380 people) of all HIV infected people in the city are not yet diagnosed. Keep reading
Door de transities in 2015… Keep reading
Na de hervorming van langdurige… Keep reading
The FIT project is a method to develop tailor-made packages, a combination of products and services, to help people with dementia live at home longer, in a more independent way. Keep reading
We developed a Master’s course for the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, to teach future care professionals how to use innovative technology to ensure cost-effective solutions. Keep reading
A positive attitude to health starts at a young age. We developed an educational program for children on health and entrepreneurship, together with Stichting Jong Ondernemen. In Amsterdam, this was combined with a contest: the Youth4Health Challenge, that was supported by GGD Amsterdam and took place in NEMO. Keep reading