City Rhythm

Afgeronde projecten Projecten

City Rhythm aims to enhance the sense of security in a specific neighborhood by looking at how various factors relate to each other and how this can stimulate social cohesion. Together with TU Delft and Wageningen University, ahti is looking to identify rhythm in quantitative data and see how it is linked with social cohesion in a neighborhood.

The health situation

The way education, healthcare, transport, energy management and many other factors relate to each other can be described in patterns, or ‘rhythms’. Instead of looking at individual developments over time, rhythm captures the complex dynamics in a neighborhood. Certain rhythms can contribute to the sense of safety in a specific neighborhood.

The challenge

By conducting interviews and analyzing data, this explorative study aims to identify and compare different city rhythms. These insights help policy makers to understand which factors influence social cohesion and how to improve people’s sense of safety.

The purpose of the project

This explorative study focuses on identifying how rhythms of neighborhoods can be used to support local policy making. This approach might give a better idea of which factors potentially contribute to a better sense of safety in specific neighborhoods, so that policy makers can develop interventions accordingly.

What is ahti’s role

Ahti turns raw data into actionable data: we make data more insightful and understandable, so it is easier for decision makers to use complex information to work on the outcomes they desire.

Together with TU Delft and Wageningen University, ahti builds the data team in this project. The goal is to identify rhythms in quantitative data and see how these relate to social cohesion in a neighborhood. Looking at certain sub-populations such as elderly or single mothers, we can identify factors that influence the rhythm in a neighborhood.

Together with TU Delft and civil servants of 6 municipalities (Amsterdam, Den Haag, Helmond, Rotterdam, Zaanstad and Zoetermeer), ahti organizes several workshops to regularly validate the analysis and preliminary results as well as support the collaboration and learning across cities. This iterative process ensures that the outcome will be useful for actual policy making in the future.


TU Delft (Lead partner)
Alterra, Wageningen University
DataLab, City of Amsterdam
AMS – Advanced Metropolitan Solutions
Digitale Steden Agenda (DSA), 5 other Dutch cities:
Zoetermeer, Helmond, Den Haag, Rotterdam, Zaanstad