October 19: Ahti connect ‘Mental care in the virtual world – how technology can help’


Thursday, October 19, from 16.00 – 18.00, is the second ahti connect at the Amsterdam health & technology center (AHTC). Theme of this edition is ‘Mental care in the virtual world: how technology can help’.

Depression and tech

‘Mental illness’ is becoming the biggest disease among people. Its increase puts extra pressure on the already heavily burndened care sector. The need for mental care is broad: from the traditional form, such as treatments by psychologists, psychiatrists or medication, to help from a more social context. So can loneliness sometimes literally be a ‘killer’ for those who can’t find their way in a complex world.

Fortunately, it doesn’t have to go that far. Also in serious situations, within civil society organizations and the GGZ (Dutch Association of Mental Health and Addiction Care), technology is being used for prevention.


  • Jan Mokkenstorm, psychiatrist and founder of 113 Zelfmoordpreventie (113 suicide prevention)
  • Maarten de Venster, portfoliomanager at e-health platform NewHealth Collective and therefore closely involved in implementing care technology.

What is it about?

Help helps at 113, and so does technology. Jan Mokkenstorm will discuss the effective use of technology at 113 Zelfmoordpreventie. With tailor-made programs, 113 kan lend a helping hand to brighten darker days, 24/7 and on an individual level.

Maarten de Venster will zoom in on virtual mentor Tess, who has been used by Parnassia Group since this year. Tess is the new star in (basic) GGZ and was developed by partner X2AI, based on artifical intelligence. She is available 24/7, supports the patient and encourages them to be independent and take ownership of their life.

How much can technology be used in mental health? Can artificial intelligence replace the therapist? Will this lead to better quality of care against lower costs? We look forward to discussing this with you.

About ahti connect

Ahti connect brings the worlds of technology and care closer together. We give thought to how things can be done smarter, or better. Every month with a different theme and different speakers from the scientific and social field.

Join us!

Admission is free, you can register via Eventbrite. Please note: this event is in Dutch. There is limited space available, so register now!