First HealthInc DemoDay great success


The six healthtech startups that joined the first edition of ahti’s accelerator program HealthInc pitched their business during the HealthInc DemoDay. The event was held at the Amsterdam Health and Technology Center (AHTC) and was attended by about 100 guests, from healthtech professionals to investors.

HealthInc is a ten-week accelerator program for healthtech startups, helping them to develop their business and bringing their product and service to market. The program is tailor-made for healthtech startups and offers workshops from experts in finance, marketing and customer development. A team of experienced business coaches from different backgrounds such as sales, legal or finance support the startups throughout the program.

Innovation in care

The HealthInc program works with the lean startup method, which aims to validate every test step through short feedback loops so products are not just based on assumptions.

Laurens van Hoorn, Managing Director of ahti: “Ahti stimulates innovation in care. We do this by focusing on different domains, and one of these is entrepreneurship. By offering an accelerator program, we help to bring innovations to market. We offer a powerful and broad network of knowledge institutions, care organizations, businesses, scientists and researchers, to which participating entrepreneurs have full access. We are happy and impressed with the progress the startups have shown over the past ten weeks.”

Future plans

The second edition of HealthInc is scheduled to start in the fall of 2018. Recruitment and selection of new startups for the program will begin in the first quarter of 2018. Stay up-to-date via or subscribe to our newsletter.