Blue Zones: preventing out-of-home care placement amongst youth

Projects Projects past

Almost 10 percent of the 140.000 children that live in Amsterdam receive a form of official youth care. In 0,8 percent of the cases, a child is placed in an out-of-home care environment. This situation is undesirable.

To gain more insight into what types of children and households are prone to an out-of-home care placement, the City of Amsterdam and Garage2020 – a collaboration between the City and several institutions active in youth care – conducted a data study for the period 2015-2017 that resulted in some important risk factors at individual level.

Ahti currenty conducts a follow-up analysis that includes geodemographical aspects to combine these individual risk factors with area characteristics. This results in a risk map per neighbourhood that allows for more geographically oriented policy implementation, evaluation and prognosis on specialized youth care.

Status & Timelines

Started in 2018 and still ongoing, presentation of first results Q1 2019
Download the first results.


Garage 2020, City of Amsterdam, Spirit