March 15: ahti Connect – ‘Cardiovascular Risk Management: Innovation in the 1st and 2nd line’


Thursday, March 15, from 15:30 – 18:00 is the sixth ahti Connect at the Amsterdam Health & Technology Center (AHTC). Theme of this edition is: ‘Cardiovascular Risk Management: Innovation in the 1st and 2nd line’.

• Marleen Hendriks, Director of Innovation at Joep Lange Institute (JLI)
• Sebastiaan Blok, Innovation Manager at Cardiologie Centra Nederland (CCN)

What is it about?
Cardiovascular diseases are in the top 3 of most important causes of death in the Netherlands. The numbers of 2017 are not known yet, but in 2016, 38.216 people (25,9%) of the 148.997 died because of this. CVRM focuses on delaying or preventing the (further) development of cardiovascular diseases. Technology can play an important role by supporting people in healthy behavior, making monitoring from home possible and developing new forms of care between de first line (general practitioner) and second line (hospital).

Marleen Hendriks will talk about the health gain that remote monitoring and advanced ‘nudging’ of patients can achieve. She works together with ahti on a mobile application to monitor the increased blood pressure of patients together with the general practitioner from home. She explains how ‘nudging’ can be applied as a motivation technique.

Sebastiaan Blok will talk about the latest technological developments in this area, but also about what the business model of CCN looks like. What is their position between general practitioners and hospitals?

About ahti Connect
Ahti Connect brings the worlds of technology and care closer together. We give thought to how things can be done smarter and better. Every month with a different theme and different speakers from science, care institutions, government and business.

Join us!
Admission is free, you can register via Eventbrite. Please note: this event is in Dutch. There is limited space available, so register now!

Save the date!
The next ahti Connect will be on April 19. More information will follow.