January 18: Ahti Connect – ‘Evidence-based policy: Fact or fiction?’


Thursday, January 18, from 15.30 – 18.00 is the fourth ahti Connect at the Amsterdam Health & Technology Center. Theme of this edition is ‘Evidence-based policy: Fact or fiction?’


  • Duco Stuurman, director Onderwijs, Jeugd en Zorg at City of Amsterdam
  • Ruben Spruit, co-founder of Delph; specialist in machine learning, artificial intelligence and big data

What is it about?

Data is available in ever-increasing quantities, also digitally. Accessibility and usability opportunities are exploding, which makes many new applications possible. For example, finding patterns in the use of care based on claims data and demonstrating the effect of food stores on obesity in a neighborhood.

Duco Stuurman will discuss the use of data when developing, establishing and monitoring policy. Duco has been working on anchoring policy better in objective data. He has been one of the driving forces behind the Urban Data Center of CBS (Statistics Netherlands), which gives municipalities access to micro-data in the context of policymaking.

Ruben Spruit is econometrist and co-founder of Delph. With this company, he focuses on the use of advanced econometric models to substantiate decisions with data. After all, it is not enough to just have access to data, but knowledge is needed to make valid statements based on statistics.

About ahti Connect

Ahti Connect brings the worlds of technology and care closer together. We give thought to how things can be done smarter, or better. Every month with a different theme and different speakers from the scientific and social field.

Join us!

Admission is free, you can register via Eventbrite. Please note: this event is in Dutch. There is limited space available, so register now!